Sales window

bởi Admin


Sales window is one of the complicated screen in POS. When we login, sales window will be the home screen. It can be configured for different business cases. You can change the configuration of sales window mode through menu System → Configuration → General, using the tickets drop down. In this article we will be explaining different functionalities of sales window in store mode.


ID Field name Description
1 Add customer To attach details of the customer to the sales
2 Split bill To split the bill into 2. You can also assign the new bills customer details in the window
3 Notes Adding notes to a selected line item (An item in the sale)
4 Reprint last ticket To print the last ticket
5 New sales This action mill put current sales on hold and a new sales will start. You will be asked to enter the details of existing customer. You can resume the sales by clicking button 7. This is helpful if you want to put current sales on hold for sometime and move to next customer
6 Cancel sales This will cancel the current sale
7 Ticket queue  All tickets on hold will be displayed here. Read item 5 for more info.
8 Reload  Reload the current screen
9 Delete line This will delete selected line.
10 Edit Line To edit a particular line
11 Product history Display the sales as well as purchase history of the selected item.
12 Search product To search for a product and add to the sales.
13 Attributes Displays more details on the item.
14 Order list  
15 Line Disc Adding discount to the selected item
16 Cancel Disc Remove discount from selected item
17 Remark To add some text to the bill
18 Add disc Adding discount against the bill
19 Cash Press for payment in cash
20 Debt If payment is in the form of credit. You will be asked to enter credit customer details
21 Card Press if payment is done through card
22 Refund press in case of refund
23 Barcode These fields are used for barcode scanning purpose. You can also manually by using barcode number